Jewish now!

Young Jews about their lives in Germany

Reading and discussion with Andrea von Treuenfeld and Esther Belgorodski. Moderation: Christoph Giesa


In cooperation with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and the Rudolf von Bennigsen Foundation, Villa Seligmann cordially invites you to a reading and discussion with the author Andrea von Treuenfeld (“Jüdisch jetzt”) and Esther Belgorodski. Author and publicist Christoph Giesa will moderate the event.

Lebensbilder jüdischer Gegenwart – Most non-Jews in Germany have never, or at least not consciously, met a Jewish person. Accordingly, in the non-Jewish majority society, age-old clichés often persist or undifferentiated new attributions determine the image. But what does Jewish life in today’s Germany really look like? How do Jews feel in this country? And what does Jewish actually mean when you ask them about it?

In conversation with the author Andrea von Treuenfeld the following people have provided insights into their biographies: Noam Brusilovsky, Sveta Kundish, Garry Fischmann, Lena Gorelik, Dr. Sergey Lagodinsky, Shelly Kupferberg, Daniel Grossmann, Anna Staroselski, Daniel Kahn, Helene Shani Braun, Prof. Michael Barenboim, Deborah Hartmann, Jonathan Kalmanovich (Ben Salomo), Anna Nero, Philipp Peyman Engel, Nelly Kranz, Dr. Roman Salyutov, Sharon Ryba-Kahn, Leon Kahane, Gila Baumöhl, Zsolt Balla, Dr. Anastassia Pletoukhina, Leonard Kaminski, Renée Röske, Monty Ott and Sharon Suliman (Sharon).

Admission is free. Prior registration via the Friedrich Naumann Foundation website is required. If the security situation requires it, there may be security and bag checks at the entrance.

Note on visiting the exhibition: The reading will take place as a supporting event to the exhibition “Your Anne. A girl writes history” which will be shown at the Villa Seligmann from 07.02.-07.03.2024. The opportunity to view the exhibition individually from 6-7 p.m. is exclusively for participants of the subsequent reading.

Andrea von Treuenfeld studied journalism and German studies and, after a traineeship at a national daily newspaper, worked for many years as a columnist, correspondent and managing editor for well-known print media, including Welt am Sonntag and Wirtschaftswoche. Today she lives as a freelance journalist and author in Berlin. Gütersloher Verlagshaus has already published her books “In Deutschland eine Jüdin, eine Jeckete in Israel”, “Zurück in das Land, das uns töten wollte”, “Erben des Holocaust”, “Israel. Moments from his biography” and “Living with Auschwitz”.

Esther Belgorodski belongs to the young Jewish generation and has been active in the Jewish community since her youth. She was involved as a madricha in the youth center and later as president of the Association of Jewish Students North (VJSNord), a regional subgroup of the Jewish Student Union Germany (JSUD).

Christoph Giesa deals with socially relevant topics of the future. In his texts and at political education events for adults, students and schoolchildren, he regularly addresses the challenges facing democracy in times of the rise of radical attitudes. His book “Echte Helden, falsche Helden” was published by Droemer Knaur in 2020.


6:00 pm
Individual tour of the exhibition “Your Anne. A girl writes history” (exclusively for participants of the reading, binding registration required)

7:00 p.m.
Christoph Giesa (Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom)
Eliah Sakakushev-von Bismarck (Managing Director of Villa Seligmann)
Walter Hirche (former State Minister and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Rudolf-von-Bennigsen Foundation)

Reading: Jewish now! – Young Jews on their lives in Germany with Andrea von Treuenfeld (author and publicist)

Talk with Andrea von Treuenfeld and Esther Belgorodski (former president of the Association of Jewish Students North) Moderation: Christoph Giesa

8:30 pm
End of the event


Please note that we will be taking photos and videos during this event. The image material will be published on our website and/or social media channels and used for press work. By participating, visitors to this event agree to this.

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