Open tour “Your Anne.”

Open tour of the exhibition “Deine Anne. A girl writes history”


Open tour of the exhibition “Deine Anne. A girl writes history”

The traveling exhibition “Your Anne. A girl writes history” will be a guest at the Villa Seligmann from February 7 to March 7. The exhibition is being shown in cooperation with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, the Rudolf von Bennigsen Foundation, the Bergen-Belsen Memorial and the Anne Frank Zentrum in Berlin and is primarily aimed at school classes. The classes are guided through the exhibition by specially trained pupils, the so-called exhibition guides. They are encouraged to engage intensively with Anne Frank’s personal history, the history of National Socialism, the Holocaust and the Second World War.

A free viewing of the exhibition will be possible on February 15 between 1:30 and 3:30 pm.
Participants can explore the exhibition individually (without a guided tour). Pupils will be available in the exhibition to talk about their work as exhibition guides. They will be happy to give you an insight into the methods of the peer guide model and are available to answer questions about the exhibition. Another open tour is scheduled for
February 22

Admission is free. Registration via the Friedrich Naumann Foundation website is required.

The exhibition “Deine Anne. A girl writes history”:

The diary of the Jewish girl Anne Frank (1929-1945) is a symbol of the genocide of the Jews by the National Socialists and an intimate document of the life and thoughts of a young writer.

In the exhibition, large picture walls tell the story of her life and times: from her early years in Frankfurt am Main and her escape from the National Socialists, to her time in Amsterdam – a happy childhood and difficult time in hiding – to the last terrible seven months in the Westerbork, Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen camps. Many private photos provide an intimate insight into the lives of the Frank family and their friends. Anne Frank’s personal history is linked to the history of the Weimar Republic, National Socialism, the persecution of the Jews, the Holocaust and the Second World War.

In addition to the perspective of the persecuted and their helpers, the perspective of followers and perpetrators is also presented. Based on quotes from Anne Frank’s diary, the exhibition directly addresses young people with questions about identity, group membership and discrimination: Who am I? Who are we? Who do I exclude? Short films with young people encourage discussion on these topics. Based on the question “What can I achieve?”, the exhibition encourages people to get involved themselves.


Please note that we will be taking photos and videos during this event. The image material will be published on our website and/or social media channels and used for press work. By participating, visitors to this event agree to this.