Words and notes in the light

Musical-theatrical production

Commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the National Socialist book burning on May 10, 1933

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May 10 marks the 90th anniversary of the National Socialist book burning. Books by Jewish, Marxist, liberal and pacifist writers and poets were burned. Sheet music and records of ostracized musicians also fell victim to the fire. The production “Words and Notes in the Light” by Corinna Luedtke takes up the phenomenon of book burning and uses it as an occasion to remember and as a warning for the present and future. Poems, letters and excerpts from the diaries of ostracized writers will be recited. The texts illustrate the precarious situation of Kurt Tucholsky, Ernst Toller, Joachim Ringelnatz, Stella Hershan, Erich Mühsam and other writers in the period before, during and after National Socialism. Corinna Luedtke is also the idea generator, director and project manager.

The Trio Delyria remembers the ostracized and exiled musicians with selected pieces of music. The Jewish musician Konrad Latte is also portrayed in the play as a representative of the musicians who fell victim to the Nazis. For this evening, Corinna Luedtke wrote statements and reflections carefully adapted to his biographical stages, which occasionally address and involve the audience through interactive storytelling.

By means of various artistic forms of expression – words, music and drama – a unique art space is created that offers visitors the opportunity to engage with the phenomenon of book burning and the destruction of ostracized music. The focus is not only on the past, but also on the present.

Participating artists:

Trio Delyria (David Strongin, Uriah Tutter, Elisha Kravitz), music
Jana Auburger, Acting
Michael Dario Schütz, Acting
Jan-Hendrik von Minden, Acting
Julia Goehrmann, Acting
Julia Luedtke, stage decoration

The date May 9, 2023 is of crucial importance for the symbolism of fire as a life-giving and at the same time destructive natural element. According to the Jewish calendar, the 33rd day of the Omer count falls on this day in 2023. (The Omer count spans 50 days between the biblical festivals of Passover and Shavuot). The. 33rd day is called Lag ba’Omer in Hebrew. It is a semi-holiday with mystical significance, on which large bonfires are lit in Israel. They symbolize the end of a devastating epidemic and the associated period of mourning. Furthermore, in Jewish tradition, fire is a symbol of salvation and hope.

We would like to celebrate this symbolism with you before the start of the event and cordially invite you to a preface by an open fire in the garden of Villa Seligmann at 6.30 pm.

Admission is at 6 pm through the garden of Villa Seligmann
Welcome and introduction with curator Corinna Luedtke and director Eliah Sakakushev-von Bismarck in the garden at 6.30 pm
Remaining tickets at €10 can be ordered by e-mail to karten@villa-seligmann.de or by telephone on 0511-844 887 200.

The event is organized in cooperation with the Hannover Region, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the Friedrich Bödecker Kreis Niedersachsen and is sponsored by the Sparkasse Hannover, Hannover UNSECO City of Music and the Cultural Office of the City of Hannover:

© Heiner Schlote

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