Israel Day 2023

Israel festival of the DIG in the garden of Villa Seligmann

Free admission


The German-Israeli Society once again invites you to the traditional Israel Festival in the garden of Villa Seligmann.

You can expect a varied stage program, information stands that invite you to talk, delicious Israeli food, homemade cakes and waffles, coffee and tea, as well as a glass of kosher wine.

Excerpts from the revue “Absinthe and Charleston” with Christine Zienc-Tomczak, vocals, Kersten Flenter recitation and Alvyda Zdaneviciute, piano, kick off the colorful afternoon program on the open-air stage. The program is a tribute to the 1920s and in this case especially to Jewish composers and writers such as Kurt Tucholsky, Mascha Kaléko and Fritz Grünbaum.

After the various program items, Stella Perevalova rounds off the event with her virtuoso and spirited piano performance. As always, you can expect numerous speeches from the region and the city, various stands, especially from the 4 Jewish communities here in Hanover, the Jewish library, the Ahlem support group, the Villa Seligmann of the Yazidi Academy and the constitutional democrats from Iran.

As every year, culinary delights, coffee, cakes, waffles, soft drinks and Israeli wine will be on offer.

The DIG Hannover is looking forward to numerous visits to this festival of diversity!
Questions about the program and registration:

Free admission

Responsible for the text: DIG Hannover