Hanukkah 2023

Family celebration of Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights

With cantor Aviv Weinberg

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On the eve of the sixth day of the Jewish festival of lights
Villa Seligmann invites you to a relaxed family program. Our guest is the cantor of the Jewish community of Celle
Aviv Weinberg
who will introduce us not only to the significance and history, but also to the musical diversity of this joyous eight-day festival.

This relaxed, family-friendly program also includes the lighting of the Hanukkah candle, singing and games, fresh sufganiyot and stories according to Jewish tradition.

Everyone is cordially invited!

About Aviv Weinberg

Aviv Weinberg is cantor of the Einheitsgemeinde in Celle and officiates in the reform community Bet Haskala in Berlin. Born in Isreal, she completed her Bachelor’s degree at the Rubin Academy for Music and Dance in Jerusalem and her Master’s degree at the School of Jewish Theology at the University of Potsdam. There she also completed her cantorial studies at the Abraham Geiger College. Aviv Weinberg performs at ceremonies and festivals such as the Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow, the Lewandowski Festival and the presentation of the Abraham Geiger Prize. She also had the honor of singing at the royal wedding of the Prince of Prussia. In 2020 she published the children’s book “Giraffi’s Birthday” in Hebrew and in 2022 she expanded her field of activity to include early music education.

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