2. 10. 2024 - News

For the first time, a pocket festival entitled “Abenteuer Improvisation – Eine Welt der unbegrenzten (musikalischen) Möglichkeiten” will take place from 07.
to November 09, 2024, a pocket festival will take place at Villa Seligmann.
“Pocket festival” is a term borrowed from the English pocket festival.
It refers to the small format of the event, but also symbolizes the unexpected, surprising and unsuspected that you can find in your own pockets. The festival consists of four concert encounters, three lectures, a workshop and free improv interludes. At the heart of the encounters is the art of improvisation as an interface between identification, cultural heritage and experience.

In a creative and informal setting, a comprehensive picture of the technique and manual skills through to the philosophy and abstraction of improvisation will be given.
Artists and speakers such as Prof. Noam Sivan, Prof. Markus Becker, Prof. Dr. Eckart Altenmüller, Prof. Roman Rofalski, as well as Maria I. J. Reich, Ido Ramot and Damian Marhulets will come together under the artistic direction of pianist and composer Marina Baranova.

“When you improvise on an instrument, you can only be in the now. You don’t analyze what happened and you don’t make plans for the future. You trust the process and let go. For me, improvisation has a high spirituality that carries over to all aspects of life. It’s the art of trust.” – Marina Baranova, artistic director.

Participants also include students as well as the general public, who are not necessarily musically trained, and who can not only listen but also take part in an open exchange of ideas.
The Taschen Festival is therefore not only aimed at musicians, but also at anyone who wants to gain an insight into this world of unlimited musical possibilities.

Download the complete program:

More information about the festival and an overview of the complete program can be found here.
Tickets can be purchased in advance via the Villa Seligmann website. Tickets can also be ordered by e-mail to karten@villa-seligmann.de or by telephone on 0511 844887-200. Festival passes, which grant access to all festival events, as well as tickets for individual events are on sale in advance.

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