Hannah Arendt Days 2024

Salon discussion “Radically emotional: challenges and perspectives in the culture of debate”


In 2024, the Hannah Arendt Days Hanover will once again be hosted at Villa Seligmann.
This year’s salon talk is entitled “Radically emotional: challenges and perspectives in the culture of debate”.
Hannah Arendt has always dealt with controversial topics – in her texts and in front of an audience.
But the style of public debate has changed profoundly; public discourse has become heated and hurtful.
In addition, digital mass communication accelerates and intensifies debates, which become all the more emotionally charged the stronger the calls for more rationality.
It seems almost impossible to return to constructive communication and develop solutions to problems.
How can this dilemma be resolved?
For Maren Urner, politics should be understood as a negotiation process about different feelings and can be emotional.
People argue about controversial ideas of freedom based on their feelings, e.g. on questions of mobility or nutrition.
The neuroscientist analyzes how emotions work in politics and explains tools for dealing with them better.
This also requires an update of our understanding of freedom. Welcoming remarks Eliah Sakakushev-von Bismarck, Artistic and Managing Director of Villa Seligmann Eva Bender, Head of the Department of Education and Culture, City of Hanover Salon discussion Prof. Dr. Maren Urner, Professor of Sustainable Transformation, Münster University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dr. Ulrich Kühn Admission is free. Registration from September 12 at: hat@hannover-stadt.de

The salon talk as part of the HANNAH ARENDT DAYS is an event organized by the City of Hanover in collaboration with Villa Seligmann.

Prof. Dr. Maren Urner is a neuroscientist and has been Professor of Sustainable Transformation at Münster University of Applied Sciences since September 2024.
She studied cognitive and neuroscience at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, among others, and received her doctorate in neuroscience from University College London.
In 2016, she co-founded the ad-free online magazine Perspective Daily for constructive journalism.
She was Editor-in-Chief and Managing Director until March 2019.
She then worked as a professor of media psychology at the Media University of Applied Sciences in Cologne until August 2024.
She has been a columnist for the Frankfurter Rundschau since September 2020.
Her most recent book was “Radikal emotional: Wie Gefühle Politik machen” (Droemer 2024).
She is the winner of the B.A.U.M. Environmental and Sustainability Award 2023 in the science category. Dr. Ulrich Kühn studied Theatre Studies, Modern German Literature and Philosophy in Berlin and Munich.
He is a cultural journalist and has worked as a radio editor in leading positions since 2009.
Among other things, he deals with the question of how a society presents itself in its debates, its language culture and what it reveals about its view of the world

With the HANNAH ARENDT DAYS, which have been taking place since 1998, the state capital of Hanover commemorates the internationally renowned political theorist, born in Hanover-Linden in 1906, who did not shy away from uncomfortable discussions.
Arendt’s work, especially her core question about the meaning of political freedom, offers a variety of impulses for current and future social debate.
Every year, the series of events therefore presents a current topic from politics and society for debate in various formats in order to discuss it in the spirit of Arendt.