What does migrating mean?

Salon talk

With Prof. Dr. Donatella di Cesare


Based on the German-Jewish salon culture of the 18th/19th century. Eliah Sakakushev-von Bismarck, Director of Villa Seligmann, and Prof. Dr. René Dausner, Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Hildesheim and Leibniz Universität Hannover, invite you to the first “Saiten- bzw. Seitenwechsel” – the salon discussion on culture, faith and society entitled “What does it mean to migrate?”.

The Italian philosopher Prof. Dr. Donatella di Cesare (Rome) will be our guest for this change of season. Ms. di Cesare will teach as a Research Fellow in June 2023 at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Manemann, Director of the Research Institute for Philosophy Hanover (fiph), at this research institute in Hanover.

Following a keynote speech on a “philosophy of migration”, the discussion will focus on political-theological questions of hospitality, foreignness and migration. In view of the interpretation of Jewish and Christian traditions, it is obvious that contemporary and socially relevant issues in Europe play an important role.

The “Sa/eitenwechsel” series offers a platform for networking and a resonance space in which art, music and philosophy interact with each other. Questions of faith are also discussed. The events also include a musical program that also draws on the rich Christian-Jewish musical tradition.

The young Israeli pianist Dror Schweid will provide the musical accompaniment to this “change of scene” on the strings of the hotel’s own Steinway grand piano.

With the “Salongespräch”, Villa Seligmann offers a discursive format in cooperation with the universities of Hildesheim and Hanover. All participants are cordially invited to join us for a drinks buffet afterwards.


Prof. Dr. Donatella di Cesare is a university professor of theoretical philosophy at La Sapienza University in Rome (Italy). With her highly acclaimed publications “On the political vocation of philosophy” and “Philosophy of migration”, which have been translated into more than ten languages, including German, di Cesare is currently one of the most important intellectuals in Europe. Di Cesare has repeatedly been a visiting professor abroad, including in Canada, the USA and Germany. Her books have won numerous awards.

nominal fee 10 €. Donations are requested.
Due to the limited number of places available, please register in advance: Webshop, by e-mail to anmeldung@villa-seligmann.de or by telephone on 0511-844 887 200.

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